The Preacher's Wife
Comments and Poems
By Ruth R. Martin

This poem is based on the invitation that was given when I asked Jesus to come into my heart and save me. As long as I could remember, I had been brought to Sunday School and church every Sunday. Bible stories were part of my bedtime ritual each night..."Read me a story". Bedtime prayers were also part of this nightly routine. My Sunday School teachers faithfully presented Biblical values to young pupils. At this time I was nine years old and my Sunday School teacher was a sixteen year old Christian girl who loved the Lord and her young charges. I was attentive and always loved Sunday School and church...especially the singing of hymns. BUT.. I had never felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit until this Sunday morning. Our church was nearing the close of it's annual mid-summer revival. On this Sunday morning I sat in my usual pew..second from the front.. with my friend Lucille. I joined in the singing of a newly revived congregation, put my offering in the plate when it was passed, found and read the sermon text with the visiting minister--and settled back to quietly draw pictures or write notes to Lucille on the bulletin. I have no idea what the message was that morning..I don't remember a word the evangelist said, nor do I recall his name. But somewhere along near the end of his sermon, I became aware of something happening to me. I found myself actually LISTENING to the message. It seemed there was no one present except myself and I was feeling and hearing SOMETHING I had never known before. I only felt in my heart what I believe is the FIRST TIME I had ever actually HEARD the Gospel... that Jesus loved and died for sinners, and that was me, and He wanted to save me. I didn't know it was the Holy Spirit dealing with my tender young heart...I only felt such a sweet, sweet drawing in my soul, that I could not, and did not want to refuse. To this day, my recollection of that morning is as new and fresh now as it was that glorious morning. Do you remember the invitation song that was being sung when you accepted the Lord as your Savior? I do... " Only trust Him, only trust Him, only trust Him now He will save you, He will save you, He will save you now." I became aware of tears on my face (...what is happening? Why am I crying?) And then I heard the preacher say, " Will you come to Jesus now?" I knew he was talking to me. Next thing I knew I was pushing Lucille aside so I could get to the front of the church. Not realizing what was happening, surprised, she started to come with me, and I vaguely remember saying "Stay here ..I have to go by myself." Seated on the front pew, a dear Lady led me to open my heart and ask Jesus to come in and save me. Then she hugged me....(this woman was smiling and crying at the same time. Everything is so strange and wonderful this morning) and said, "Now that Jesus has saved you, you must tell someone else," Such excellent advice. I still give that same advice to a person I have the joy of leading to Jesus. I don't even know who that dear woman was, but I am eternally grateful to her for introducing me to the Savior. Dear Reader, " If you have never opened your heart to the Savior, I invite you to do so with the same words that drew me to Him many years ago...Will you come to Jesus now?"

Will You Come To Jesus Now?

Will you come to Jesus now?
Bring Him all your sin.
Will you come to Jesus now?
Let Him live within.
Bring Him all your broken dreams,
Shattered plans and wayward schemes,
All your songs that have no theme.
Will you come to Him?

Will you give to Him your heart,
He who cares for you?
He will ne'er from you depart;
He is always true.
He will give you joy and peace,
From your bondage, give release;
Give you life that will not cease.
Will you come to Him?

Will you let Him be your Friend,
He who knows your need?
He'll be with you to the end.
He your soul will feed.
He will take your sin away;
Turn your darkness into day;
Guide you when you go astray.
Will you come to Him?

RRM/ 1970
Romans 8:28