It is not always easy to pray. There are occasions and circumstances that invade our lives, cloud our sight, fill us with doubts and apprehension, sometimes with guilt and fears. Therefore, at times, we step softly and gingerly, with some trepidation and trembling, into the Throne Room and the blessed Presence of the Lord.

At times our personal wishes and desires claim precedence over His desire and plan for us, and we must fight the inner battle with Self. There is an old saying..we must pray until we pray. But as we release our desires and fears, it becomes easier and easier to submit to His all-wise, ever-loving will and purpose. Then, ah, how sweet the moment when we can look into His face and in trust and love say, "Not my will but Thine be done"..and there, oh joyful surprise- we find He already had the answer waiting for us. What had started as a long, difficult journey ended in His loving embrace.

I sometimes think of earnest prayer as a rendezvous with God at the end of a long, dark, two-way street. The way seems so far and so lonely to that place where we will meet Him in precious communion. But each moment becomes easier and brighter and closer until suddenly we are running in our heart to meet Him and we fall into His waiting arms, there to rest contentedly upon His breast.

And, aren't we always just a little surprised that He is already there waiting for us, His perfect answer in His hands?


I groped and stumbled forth in Prayer
When first I ventured there.
The Road was dark, the Way seemed bare:
My soul knew only fear.

With broken heart and anguished soul
I pressed along the way,
Yet, somehow, as I neared the Goal
I sensed a Dawning Day.

The air grew sweet with perfume rare;
A glowing Light did shine.
My heavy spirit shed all care
And peace and joy were mine.

I scarce could see through tear-dimmed eyes,
And yet I knew 'twas HE:
For when my heart in Prayer first cried
He'd come to comfort me.

My loving Lord had rushed ahead
With joyful angel band,
And waited there, with arms outstretched-
My answer in His hands


Romans 8:28